20. 10. 2017. The working groups within the remit of the recently created CIECA Fit to Drive Topical Group kicked-off in Brussels on 4 and 5 October 2017. While the two workstreams "knowledge, skills and training of assessors" and "assessment techniques / technical issues / driver licence coding (updating of Portare Handbook)" of the first subgroup "Setting Standards for Disabled Driver Assessment Working Group" took place on Wednesday 4 October 2017, the second subgroup of the Fit to Drive Group related to Medical and Psychological Issues was held on Thursday 5 October 2017.
The planning meeting of the recently created Fit to Drive Topical Group took place in London on 9 May 2017 and considered proposals to establish Working Groups to update the PORTARE Handbook of Disabled Driver Assessment, set standards for the development of best practice guidelines, and other issues relevant to members within the remit of the Fit to Drive Group. All documents related to this meeting can be seen here (link accessible only to members).
Following the initial meeting of the Fit to Drive Group all members were sent an invitation to join its working groups by means of an expression of interest.
Members that have not expressed their interest but wish to join one of the working groups are requested to contact the CIECA Secretariat at info@cieca.eu.
If you have any questions re. this issue, please do not hesitate to contact the CIECA Secretariat.