22.01.2020. A call for abstracts has been launched for the upcoming workshop The state of the art and the future of Hazard Perception, which will be organized by the CIECA Theory Test Advisory Group (TAG) on 7 - 8 May 2020.
The TAG workshop on hazard perception intends to become a forum in which to discuss and explore the state of art concerning "hazard perception" in the context of road safety, and, more specifically, how to treat such measure within the framework of the theory test. The workshop aims to provide an overview of the topic, including the review of literature on the topic focusing on current developments, and its practical implications within the present and future driving environment. The group will also invite CIECA Effective members with such tests in place, or that are developing them, to give an overview of their systems to all participants: explanation of their objectives, approach, decisions, and methodology. Finally, the TAG would also like to explore the future of hazard perception testing, and the possibilities that technology might offer, i.e. virtual reality, gamification, the use of simulators, etc. Having this into consideration, the group hopes that CIECA Associated members will also contribute significantly in this event, presenting current research to all participants.
If your organization is interested in contributing to this workshop, you are invited to send your abstracts to eva.mateo@cieca.eu. Presentations should not take longer than 20 minutes. Deadline for submission: 6 March 2020.
For any queries regarding the submission process, please contact eva.mateo@cieca.eu.