19.07.2019. We are pleased to inform you that members of the CIECA Topical Group “Setting Standards for the Evaluation of Medical Fitness to Drive” have finalized five Medical Fitness to Drive reports about:
The CIECA Topical Group “Setting Standards for the Evaluation of Medical Fitness to Drive” was created in February 2018. One of its aims is to make comparisons between European countries with regards to standards and procedures in evaluating Medical Fitness to Drive in order to find best practices through discussions between representatives from different European countries. Furthermore, the Topical group also aims at giving input to the EU Commission on suggestions for changes in the Annex III of the EU directives and amendments on driver licensing (2006/126/EC; 2009/113/EC; 2014/85/EU; 2016/116) as they are in need of updating in certain areas.
Members of the group are currently finalizing four other reports about sleep apnoea (OSAS) + narcolepsy, mental disorders, neurodevelopmental conditions, and comorbidity. A report summarizing all medical fitness to drive reports is expected in spring 2020.
The reports are based on comprehensive information gathered in 2018 – 2019 via questionnaires that were sent to 31 CIECA countries (EEA + Switzerland).
We would like to sincerely thank all members that have drafted and discussed the reports and also those who provided information from their countries.
If you have any question regarding this topic, please contact info@cieca.eu.