New deadline for submission of papers: 17 December 2018
51th CIECA Congress
"Modern Technology for safe driving"
Please feel free to distribute this information among people that might be interested in submitting a paper and/or attending the event.
09.11.2018. The 51th CIECA General Assembly and Congress will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 June 2019. The General Assembly and Congress will be hosted by the Service Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia in the Radisson Hotel, which is situated in Tbilisi City Centre.
Over the years modern technologies have become an integral and indivisible part of the driving experience and have played an important role in ensuring safety for drivers and passengers. Since its introduction, the automotive industry has been constantly advancing with improvements and innovations. The pace of change has quickened in recent years, introducing new achievements and systems like:
- Electronic stability control
- Satellite navigation
- Lane detection systems
- Automatic braking
- Active park assistance
- Heads up displays, etc.
However, many of the new systems can only help if you know how to use them correctly. On the one hand, some systems can prevent accidents directly. On the other hand, systems that alert drivers of hazards, can cause distraction and lack of awareness from drivers.
Modern technologies are commonly used in driver’s education and testing. The rapid evolution of computing, communication, and sensor technology is likely to affect young drivers more than others. Driving simulators can be a new innovative way to educate novice drivers and allow them to enjoy virtual driving experience, overcoming all the obstacles which might occur on the road.
While modern technologies can play an innovative role in novice driver’s education, it can also make driving safer for seniors and be assistive for drivers with disabilities.
In order to answer this question, abstracts are invited from potential speakers to present. All submissions should be sent to Eva Mateo. Information on the submission guidelines can be found here.
IMPORTANT: Please note that all speakers presenting in the Congress will be expected to finance their attendance to the event (registration, accommodation and travel expenses). Neither CIECA nor the Congress host will be responsible for the payment of any charges related to their participation in the event. Any presenters willing to have their submissions considered to be included in the event, should bear this in mind.
Please note that the deadline for the submission of the abstracts is 7 December 2018.
Abstracts for individual papers will be peer reviewed by the CIECA Programme Committee and you will be informed of the outcome of the review by 20 February 2019.
For any queries regarding the submission process, please contact Eva Mateo.