22.01.2025. Our member MOVING International Road Safety Association has contributed to the report "Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Fahrsimulatoren in der Ausbildung von Fahrschülern" ("Possible Uses of Driving Simulators in the Training of Learner Drivers"), conducted by Stefan Reindl, Jan Ole Thomas, and Alexander Wottge from the Institute for Automotive Economics (IfA) at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences (HfWU).
The study has been published by BASt (Federal Highway Research Institute) in "Mensch und Sicherheit" Heft M 348 ("People and Safety" Booklet M 348).
Release date: October 2024
Language: German (Summary/Abstract in English)
This report explores the potential applications of driving simulators in the training of learner drivers. It analyzes their effectiveness in improving driving skills, enhancing hazard perception, and supplementing traditional driving lessons. The study examines different types of simulators, their integration into driver education programs, and their impact on road safety. Additionally, it provides recommendations for the future use of driving simulation technology in training and testing environments.
Download the full report here.