16. 07. 2024. On behalf of Vias institute, one of CIECA associated members in Belgium, coordinating the ESRA project, we are very pleased to inform you that (after the publication of the country fact sheets, dashboard and methodology report) the ESRA3 team has reached another milestone in the project: the thematic reports. These reports dive into one specific topic and show differences according to country, region, age and gender. Furthermore they also discuss advanced analyses of the topic and compare with external data. The first four available topics are:
- Subjective Safety & Risk Perception
- Distraction & Fatigue
- Moped Riders & Motorcyclists
- E-scooter riders
In the coming period the ESRA3 team will be releasing nine more thematic reports that will continue to build on the wealth of data provided by the ESRA3 survey.
ESRA (E-Survey of Road users' Attitudes) is a joint initiative of road safety organisations all over the world. The aim is to collect and analyse comparable data on road safety performance, in particular road safety culture and behaviour.
If you want to join the ESRA community and include your country in future data collections, do not hesitate to contact esra@vias.be.
Any questions? Contact the ESRA Coordination Team via esra@vias.be or look on the ESRA website.